I'm not exactly sure what I want to write about in this blog post, so I'm just going to start off by saying that I am blessed! A new month has arrived and with it I have already experienced so many joys and blessings from God that I scarcely know what to do with it all. The love, acceptance, growth, and challenges I am experiencing here are just mind-blowing. I love how God works, and I don't regret deciding to follow Him. He's the best thing that's ever happened to me, and my prayer is that for anyone who has not yet experienced what it means to enter into a real relationship with Him (not religion), that they will soon discover the amazing truth and freedom of being saved by grace, through faith. There's nothing else like it.
To recap the last two weeks: Again, all I can think of is the word BLESSINGS!
The camp had been vacated for the night and it ended up just being me and Mary left! Everyone else signed up to go to a prayer retreat for the weekend, but thankfully I decided to stay back and it ended up being one of the most restful, quiet and enriching experiences I'd had in awhile. Thank you Jesus!
So blessed to be able to spend the day with my Hanai family. We went up to Lumahai beach for the afternoon and it was beautiful! I am awed and inspired by God's beautiful creation, and blessed beyond measure by the loving friendships He has given me with more of His people. We all share a common bond, and it's so cool
Play practice continues and things are finally starting to come together. It's hard sometimes, but daily I am reminded of what a privilege it is to know Christ, and I know this play is just another opportunity to share His love with others! Whenever I am tempted to have a bad attitude or let discouragement take over, I need only think of the numerous blessings God has poured out upon my life....and suddenly, things don't seem so hard anymore.

The whole college made a trip to Polihale this weekend and it was a blast! I'm definitely adding this place to my top favorite spots on the earth list. Sleeping in the sand under the stars was so peaceful, and waking up to the sounds of rolling waves was so amazing!