It is such a surreal feeling being here in Kauai. It's crazy that in only a matter of hours we can transport from one place to another, and experience such a vast change of scenery and culture.
It honestly felt like I was in Jurrassic Park tonight, riding in the bed of a pickup truck at sundown as we drive by the mysterious Buffalo Grass and trees. I can too easily imagine the raptors lurking just behind the plants, and even though I know that's a little far-fetched, I have seen the numerous wild roosters, goats, and cats wandering around. I hear there's also a few boars on our property, but I haven't met them yet. This is definitely an interesting place.
I'm excited for all the adventures that are sure to come. Today was spent unpacking, meeting fellow tent dwellers, and exploring the beautiful shoreline. I got a decent amount of sun and also got to take my first underwater shot of some "zebra" fish in the tide pools. I was rather pleased with the picture!
We all registered for classes today. I'm going to be taking:
- 1&2 Kings
- Discipleship 101 (required for Kauai students)
- Life of Christ
- Apologetics
- Church History
- Acts
- OT Chuck Tracks
As well as required Bible study and prayer meetings, Community Service, and Christian Ministry Practicum (M199). I'm still waiting to be assigned my task, but I'm guessing it's going to be TA (Teacher's Assistant), some type of landscaping, or cleaning the bathrooms. Maybe a bit of all three? I'm pretty much happy with anything, but I think I'd like to be a TA/Landscaper. They have 66 acres of beautiful overgrown property here and there's definitely lots of work to do for future developments. I'd love to be a part of it!
Aside from Orientation and Registration, today is a free day so I'm planning on snapping some more photos, journaling, and looking for a thrift store in town with Cammy. Then we're having a bonfire on the beach tonight! This place is amazing!
I enjoyed a pretty wonderful cold shower this morning. Yep. It's nice to be clean! Today we finished Orientation and got our M199 assignments. I'm going to be a TA for Acts class, clean the church bathrooms on Mondays, and help cook two meals a week. I'll be honest, I was hoping to be put on landscaping instead of kitchen, but I'm going to just be thankful and see what the Lord has in store!
This afternoon Cammy and I went adventuring out on the church property, which was a lot of fun. We found the tree-house about a half mile out, which was a pretty scary climb but a nice little adventure. I ended up running face-first into a HUGE spider web halfway up the tree, which was alarming but I'm just glad I didn't let go and fall to my death (there's lots of rocks and a few goat skulls down there). But anyway, I had a really nice journal/prayer time while I was up there, and God has already answered one prayer since then! So excited for that! Talk about a fast reply! Cammy and I also continued on through the brush to find another huge cluster of trees with lots of spiders and cow poop. It was rather nasty, and I ended up getting tons of welts on my legs from the Buffalo grass and bugs....but it was worth it.
Now I'm sitting in my tent listening to chuck tracks and the goats. I made one of my little flashlights into a head-lamp, because we have no electricity out here and it'd be too dark to get anything done without it. Tomorrow we should be able to have some internet access, so I'll be able to post all of what I've been writing! I miss everyone back home but I am having a blast here. I can't wait to start classes on Monday.
I tried to sleep in today since it's Saturday, but just couldn't! It's too beautiful outside to stay inside the tent for too long! So far I haven't gotten a lot accomplished today. Just charging my electronics, finding some internet (I'm in a coffee shop right now posting all of this), and hoping to go chill at the beach. Tonight we got invited to go to a pastor's house in town for a dinner/welcome party. Everyone here is so friendly and I know it will be a great time!
Glad to hear that you've settled in so well! :) Since internet is sketchy, I'll definitely be sure to send you some "old-fashioned" letters (I love receiving letters the old way, too). The pictures are beautiful. Good luck with your classes!