Sunday, May 13, 2012

So Much to Do, So Little Time

So I've got 5 days left on island, all my homework is completed except final exams, and I've still got some adventures I need to have before leaving! Last week I made a list of things I would still like to see and do, and as time passes I don't think I'll be able to get it all done, but it's fun to try! 

1. Go Scuba-diving 
2. Helicopter ride 
3. Jump off Shipwrecks
4. Go to Poipu
5. Hike Waterfalls
6. Sleep in a tree
7. Go surfing!
8. Feed Sharks

5/8 I went surfing for the first time and that was fun - glad I got to check that off the list, even if it was at the almost-end of my trip! I caught three waves on my stomach, two of which I pearled a good smack on the jaw by my board, but it was still a good adventure! Forgot to put sunscreen on my back though and got a huge sunburn, but I'm hoping it will turn into a nice tan in a day or so! 

Had a blast at Tunnels beach with my Hanai family! Another check off the list! Got to go snorkeling and saw a variety of fish, a huge turtle, and a monk seal! Also got to meet Bethany Hamilton on the way out - she was coming in to surf! 

No adventures today, just cooking, dance practice (for the talent show), grading papers, and Discipleship class! Wrapping things up is bittersweet. Going to start going through my stuff soon to decide what I'm taking home and what I'm going to leave here. 
Thankful for a job mowing lawns to make some last-minute money to fly home on. 

Had a small adventure today! One of the guys shot a chicken today and I watched two of the girls skin it, gut it, and cut out the meat. We went back to Ahukini Pier at night to feed the sharks....but unfortunately we didn't see any! :o( Technically I could check it off the list since we tried to feed the sharks, but I would like to actually see the sharks so I'll keep hoping! We need to catch and kill a boar. 

SUPER BUMMED OUT! I was going to go SCUBA DIVING this morning but I got this huge lip sore/infection and didn't want to have the regulator rubbing against it and stuff. It's so nasty. I'M SO SAD! That was pretty much my last chance to go scuba diving this semester....

Still have this disgusting lip sore, and there's more bad news! I was going to go on a helicopter ride over the whole island this afternoon but the helicopter is down for maintenance! What in the world is happening to the end of my trip? *sigh* Oh well, I've got quite a few chuck tracks left to do, so I guess I will just do school....

Contemplating all the things I've learned and getting ready for the fact that I have to leave this place. 

Getting excited for summer. 

Ready to see my family again!


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